What does a Book of the Year Aware winner receive?

There are two award categories:

  • Best unpublished Adult novel
  • Best unpublished Young Adult/Middle Grade novel
The prizes include:
  • Full StoryCoach edit by a Fictionary Certified StoryCoach Editor including 3 hours of one-on-one consulting time. (Value $2700 USD)
  • A 25-page manuscript read-through by Lindsay Auld, Agent at Writers House Literary Agency for the Young Adult/Middle Grade category winner.
  • A 25-page manuscript read-through by Andrea Morrison, Senior Agent at Writers House Literary Agency for the Adult category winner.
  • One-year subscription of a StoryCoach Premium account (Value $288 USD).
Next submissions open July 1, 2023

Sign up for a Fictionary StoryTeller subscription now to be eligble to enter

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Voices of our Community

Fictionary Founding Member

The lively exchanges among serious writers and Fictionary Editors have pushed my craft into new and exciting territory.

Annie R McEwen, Author

Fictionary Community Founding Member

Book Award

I am so glad I found Fictionary. The community gives me strategies, tools, and cheerleading to accomplish my goals.

Erin Clark, Shortlisted Author Fictionary Book of the Year Award

Fictionary Community Founding Member

Kara Henderson Fictionary

The joy of the community is the kindness. We encourage one another and build each other up.

Kara Henderson, Fictionary Certified StoryCoach Editor

Fictionary Community Founding Member

I found real writers, those who take the craft seriously, and real editors, who genuinely want to help the writers.

Rod Gilley, Author

Fictionary Community Founding Member

Grace Granlund

The quality of my work improved by leaps and bounds when I started using Fictionary StoryTeller.

Grace Granlund, Fictionary Author

Beasts of Prey

Author Emma Baird

Wow—I wish I’d known about Fictionary sooner. I’ve always struggled with the story arc and Fictionary makes it simple to…

Emma Baird, Author

Beautiful Biters

Daria White Fictiionary

I used StoryTeller to edit, and I saw a difference. My story was much stronger and compelling.

Daria White, Author

Christmas Therapy

Marie Anne Mancio Author

Thank you Fictionary! It takes time to analyse each chapter but it's worth it and has replaced my blackboard wall.

Marie Anne Mancio, Fictionary Author

Caravaggio's Sin

Author Emma Baird

Wow—I wish I’d known about Fictionary sooner. I’ve always struggled with the story arc and Fictionary makes it simple to…

Emma Baird, Author

Beautiful Biters

Kimberlee Esselstrom Author

Fictionary’s Advanced Mode is addictive! Finally, editing/rewriting/polishing is an adventure, not a chore.

Kimberlee Esselstrom, Author

Swimming with Strangers in Shanghai

Oh my god, where has Fictionary been all my life? I love this software.

William Stacey, Author

Worlds of Dark Adventure

This is better than anything I've dreamt of as a fiction writing buddy.

Diane Rhodes, Author

BA, Creative Writing

Perfect to catch flaws in your manuscript and elevate it to new heights of quality. I love Fictionary!

Catherine Girard-Veilleux, Ad Librum Aeternam


Let me just say that the automated Story Arc report alone makes this an outstanding tool.

Allie Potts, Author

An Uncertain Faith

Fictionary is a real find and their blog posts are equally propelling my work forward. Love the regular enhancements.

Casper Pieters, Author

The Ten Secrets of Cyberspace

Alva Eriksson

I am proud to say I will be a subscriber for as long as I write!

Alva Eriksson, Wattpad Featured Author & Watty's 2017 Award Winner


I believe using this tool would help any author zero in on their strengths and weaknesses as writers.

Clarke Scott, M.A., Author

The Art of Enchantment: A Life is a Journey

Authors of all experience levels will find this tool incredibly useful.

Dan Alatorre, Bestselling Author

Savvy Stories

Ellen Kirkpatrick

Fictionary has helped me turn my first draft into a polished piece.

Elle Kirkpatrick, Wattpad Author

Brew Books

“It’s brilliant! Hands down the most innovative editing app you’re going to see anywhere anytime soon!”

James Osborne, Bestselling Author

The Ultimate Threat

Fictionary was a huge time-saver. I’m excited to rewrite!

Kelly Brakenhoff, StoryTeller User

I love being able to visualize the story arc and other elements of fiction in my novel.

Lisa Stringfellow, StoryTeller User

Fictionary is truly a godsend and exactly what I’ve been looking for.

Regan Baudelaire, Author

Mermaid and Haunted House

When I found Fictionary, everything came together. This is an essential tool I can’t do without.

Trasie Sands, 2017 NaNoWriMo Winner, Author

Freaky Yarn

RW Buxton

Fictionary is great to check balance and make sure the POV is clear.

RW Buxton, Author

Capital Thirst & Beverly Hills Torture

Meet some of the authors who already use Fictionary StoryTeller to make their stories amazing

  • First in the "A Darkside Defender" series

    – Emma Thomas

    Emma Thomas
    Fictionary Story Teller

    In a world where some have supernatural abilities, and most don’t, the King has bound those with magick by blood and fire to do his bidding.

  • Turning into a Netflix series!

    – Now on Amazon

    Grace Granlund

    Oz Mari G
    Published Author

    One brother vowed to rebuild their fortune and restore the glory of their name, the other followed their father's heinous path. One woman crossed their path, unaware of her bloodline, and a dark past

    Beasts of Prey
  • Ryder Stephens takes readers on an emotional arc of a young girl dealing with loss and grief. A page turner!

    – Amazon Reviewer

    Veronica Ventura

    Veronica Ventura
    Published Author

    As an author, Veronica attributes her success in character development to the diverse experiences in her medical career.

    Veronica Ventura
  • Hit #10 in Love out of 2 Million Books on Wattpad.

    – Wattpad

    Amber Samuel

    Amber Samuel
    Romance Author

    The Many Dates of Indigo is part of the Wattpad Paid Stories program.

    Amber Samuel
  • From page one, I could not put this book down. The author took his plot to a new level, mind control brings us into the stratosphere of cyberwars!

    – Amazon Reviewer

    DS Kane
    Amazon Bestselling Author

    MindField, Kane’s 8th novel, was edited using Fictionary and honored by Kirkus Reviews.

  • Never thought I’d really like vampire books but this is fantastic from beginning to end. Definitely recommend!!!

    – Amazon Reviewer


    R.W. Buxton
    Published Author

    A frantic middle of the night call jolts Gerry from his quiet, but lonely life, back into a world fraught with dangerous creatures of the night.

    RW Buxton book
  • The third in the series. The second novel edited in Fictionary StoryTeller.

    – Now on Amazon

    RW Buxton

    R.W. Buxton (book 2)
    Multi-book author

    Erin is desperate to save Gerry from dark vampire forces who would do anything to prevent him from fulfilling the prophecy.

    Moscow Nights
  • Miriam’s debut NaNoWriMo novel was edited using Fictionary and hit #1 on Amazon for Steampunk Science Fiction.

    1-Miriam R. Dumitra
    Amazon Bestselling Author

    "Such a fantastic adventure story! Wow! I thoroughly enjoyed every minute of reading!" — Amazon Review

  • "To say that this story is superb and masterful storytelling does not do this book justice."

    – Twitter fan @BillGrim

    Alva Eriksson

    Alva Eriksson
    Watty Winner

    Edited in Fictionary, Adrent reaches Highest Rank in Sci-Fi - #3, Space Opera - #1 on Wattpad

  • Helping young people stay human in a tech driven life.

    – 4.6 on Goodreads

    Casper Pieters
    Multi-book Author

    Casper Pieters wants his readers to gain a deeper understanding about the online world. He embeds critical information in adventure narratives that enables his readers to learn while being swept along

  • “My life would be so much easier if all the manuscripts that crossed my desk were as clean as yours.”

    – Todd Barselow, Senior Editor Imajin Books

    Kristina Stanley Editor

    Kristina Stanley
    Bestselling Author

    Crime Writers of Canada shortlisted Descent for the Unhanged Arthur Award for best unpublished crime fiction. Descent went on to hit #1 on Amazon's Hot New Releases.