Could you make your story better?

Too many amazing stories never make it through the whole writing journey. Authors get stuck because they don’t have a plan for their story, or they never learned how to structurally edit their own work.

Others make it onto Amazon only to end up with disappointing sales and one-star reviews.

StoryTeller Premium offers a clear path from your idea to a bestseller.

  • A Structured Approach to Outlining and Editing
    Experienced StoryCoach Instructors guide you, scene by scene, showing you exactly what's important and why.
  • Questions Answered
    Get stuck? Bring your questions for expert guidance and feedback.
  • Be Part of a Community
    Research shows you are more likely to finish if you are part of a team.

Fictionary Live! Unlimited Writing and Editing Courses

In every session, you’ll work on your story in StoryTeller software under the guidance of professional editors. No pre-recorded videos here—we will be live on zoom, helping you make your manuscript stronger.

Our core six-week courses cycle constantly:

  • Novel Editing Part 1: Evaluate and Identify Issues
    July 19 - Aug 22 . & . Sept 5 - Oct 10
  • Novel Editing Part 2: Make Revisions and Finish Your Book
    July 22 - Aug 26 . & . Sept 13 - Oct 18
  • From Sparks to Soulmates: A Deep Dive into Romance Structure
    July 31 - Sept 4 . & . Sept 16 - Oct 28
  • Forge Your Fantasy: A Deep Dive into Fantasy Structure 🐉
    Aug 6 - Sept 10
  • Write Sensational Scenes: Discover the Power of Deep Scene Structure
    Aug 13 - Sept 17
  • Series Foundations: Structure Your Entire Book Series
    Aug 28 - Oct 2
  • Story Foundations: Start Your Story with 5 Must-Have Scenes
    Sept 24 - Oct 29

Additional courses are offered throughout the year:

  • Tension and Conflict: Ratchet Up Drama
  • Smooth Story Flow: Create Perfect Pacing
  • The Art of Synopsis Writing: Structure an Impactful Synopsis

You’re welcome to revisit any course as you get further along the editing journey – practice makes perfect!






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Fictionary StoryTeller Premium

$ 39 /month

Story Editing Software + Fictionary Live!

All StoryTeller Software Features

Unlimited Fictionary Live! Writing & Editing Courses

Track Changes and Comments

Edit 10 Manuscripts at a Time

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Fictionary StoryTeller Premium

$ 29 /month

Save $120 with annual payment of $348

All StoryTeller Software Features

Unlimited Fictionary Live! Writing & Editing Courses

Track Changes and Comments

Edit 10 Manuscripts at a Time

Start 14-Day Free Trial
All plans in USD. No credit card required, cancel anytime.
And hey, you can always join the Fictionary Community for free to see what all the fuss is about 🙂

Meet some of the writers who edit with Fictionary

Meet some of the writers who edit with Fictionary

  • Fictionary's story arc function clarified how to pace my novels properly - it made all the difference for a cohesive story. — Nikki Davenport

    1-Nikki Davenport

    "This novel has thrills, danger, and a heat level between the couple that scorches the page. I highly recommend it." — Amazon Review

  • I got good value for money... Improvements were mainly in character arc and missing ingredients in scene structure. — Iain Stewart

    1-Iain Stewart

    "Excellent start to this series. Not my usual read, as I tend to avoid WW1, but this was good on so many levels, from the characterisation, story lines and atmosphere." — Amazon Review

  • Fictionary is a dynamic, innovative app that guides you through the revision process with ease. — Donna Galanti

    1-Donna Galanti

    "I don't know how to describe this book. It was horror, love, loneliness, connectivity; it will toy with your emotions. It kept me in its grip from beginning to end."— Amazon Review

  • I have used Fictionary to edit my first two books, and it has made me a much better writer. — Michael Preston

    1-Michael Preston

    "The pace of the novel kept me reading and made it hard to put down. The plot twists kept me interested and wondering what will happen next." — Amazon Review

  • Oh my god, where has Fictionary been all my life? I love this software. — William Stacey

    1-William Stacey

    "A ingenious premise to put the world of military fiction and fantasy together. Done in a clever and entertaining way plenty of action and good characters."— Amazon Review

  • Let me just say that the automated Story Arc report alone makes this an outstanding tool.

    1-Allie Potts

    "I very much enjoyed reading this fast paced and well-plotted novel. The characters are carefully crafted and seem true to life. It is a page turner and I finished it in one sitting." — Amazon Review

  • After using Fictionary to perfect the story structure for my romantasy, I was blown away by this amazing resource. —Katherine Eddinger Smits

    1-Katherine Eddinger Smits

    "I was immersed in this book from beginning to end and couldn't wait to read more each night." — Amazon Review

  • Daria White

    I used StoryTeller to edit and saw a difference. My story was much stronger and more compelling. — Daria White

    1-Daria White

    "There were so many themes running through this book from forgiveness, trust, love and facing fears. I enjoyed this book and will definitely read more." — Amazon Review

  • Miriam’s debut NaNoWriMo novel was edited using Fictionary and hit #1 on Amazon for Steampunk Science Fiction.

    1-Miriam R. Dumitra
    Amazon Bestselling Author

    "Such a fantastic adventure story! Wow! I thoroughly enjoyed every minute of reading!" — Amazon Review

  • Fictionary helped with plot holes, stronger prose, and since my story deals in time travel, I was able to keep the storyline consistent.— CA Hollister

    1-CA Hollister

    Darya's fate was sealed before she was born. Now she must confront a destiny that transcends time where love and prophecy collide.

Are you ready to turn your draft into a bestseller?

Start Free Trial