Fictionary Author Success Stories

Fictionary is a dynamic, innovative app that guides you through the revision process with ease. — Donna Galanti

1-Donna Galanti

"I don't know how to describe this book. It was horror, love, loneliness, connectivity; it will toy with your emotions. It kept me in its grip from beginning to end."— Amazon Review

More Amazing Fictionary Authors

  • I used StoryTeller to edit and saw a difference. My story was much stronger and more compelling. — Daria White

    Daria White Fictiionary

    1-Daria White

    "There were so many themes running through this book from forgiveness, trust, love and facing fears. I enjoyed this book and will definitely read more." — Amazon Review

    Daria White
  • I got good value for money... Improvements were mainly in character arc and missing ingredients in scene structure. — Iain Stewart

    1-Iain Stewart

    "Excellent start to this series. Not my usual read, as I tend to avoid WW1, but this was good on so many levels, from the characterisation, story lines and atmosphere." — Amazon Review

  • Fictionary's story arc function clarified how to pace my novels properly - it made all the difference for a cohesive story. — Nikki Davenport

    1-Nikki Davenport

    "This novel has thrills, danger, and a heat level between the couple that scorches the page. I highly recommend it." — Amazon Review

  • Oh my god, where has Fictionary been all my life? I love this software. — William Stacey

    1-William Stacey

    "A ingenious premise to put the world of military fiction and fantasy together. Done in a clever and entertaining way plenty of action and good characters."— Amazon Review

  • Fictionary was awesome for structuring this book and ensuring I had the important elements included in every scene! — Dionne Haynes

    1-Dionne Haynes

    A woman who must atone for her past. A village that needs her courage.

  • After using Fictionary to perfect the story structure for my romantasy, I was blown away by this amazing resource. —Katherine Eddinger Smits

    1-Katherine Eddinger Smits

    "I was immersed in this book from beginning to end and couldn't wait to read more each night." — Amazon Review

  • Let me just say that the automated Story Arc report alone makes this an outstanding tool.

    1-Allie Potts

    "I very much enjoyed reading this fast paced and well-plotted novel. The characters are carefully crafted and seem true to life. It is a page turner and I finished it in one sitting." — Amazon Review

  • Fictionary is what gave me the confidence to start self-publishing. I couldn't call myself an author without this amazing process. —Elaine Canyon

    1-Elaine Canyon

    "If you’re looking for a delightful, feel-good romantasy, this is the novella for you." — Amazon Review

  • Miriam’s debut NaNoWriMo novel was edited using Fictionary and hit #1 on Amazon for Steampunk Science Fiction.

    1-Miriam R. Dumitra
    Amazon Bestselling Author

    "Such a fantastic adventure story! Wow! I thoroughly enjoyed every minute of reading!" — Amazon Review

  • Fictionary taught me story elements and plot structure, which helped transform a mediocre manuscript to the short list of Fictionary Book of the Year.

    1-John Johnson

    "I enjoyed the story and the character, and would highly recommend it if you like crime mysteries." — Amazon Review

  • I have used Fictionary to edit my first two books, and it has made me a much better writer. — Michael Preston

    1-Michael Preston

    "The pace of the novel kept me reading and made it hard to put down. The plot twists kept me interested and wondering what will happen next." — Amazon Review

  • Fictionary helped with plot holes, stronger prose, and since my story deals in time travel, I was able to keep the storyline consistent.— CA Hollister

    1-CA Hollister

    Darya's fate was sealed before she was born. Now she must confront a destiny that transcends time where love and prophecy collide.

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