Discover Fictionary’s powerful two-step process to structure and edit your book:

1. Embrace Story Structure Technology

Our game-changing StoryTeller software will help you systematically evaluate your writing to ensure your story is structurally sound.

Discover features like:

  • Immediate Feedback on Every Scene
  • Automated Story Arc Visualization
  • The Story Editing Journey
  • In-App Learning Resources

2. Get Expert Guidance from Professional Editors

In our innovative Fictionary Live! courses, experienced StoryCoach Instructors are live online teaching, assigning weekly editing tasks, answering questions, and guiding you through every phase of your edit.

Whether you’re stuck on character development or need a fresh perspective on pacing, Fictionary’s personalized approach is here to help.

StoryTeller Premium includes unlimited writing & editing courses, including:

  • Novel Editing Part 1:
    Identify Issues and Create a Revision Plan
  • Novel Editing Part 2:
    Revise and Finish Your Story
  • Write Sensational Scenes:
    Discover the Power of Deep Scene Structure
  • Story Foundations:
    Start Your Story with 5 Must-Have Scenes
  • Series Foundations:
    Structure Your Entire Book Series
  • From Sparks to Soulmates:
    A Deep Dive into Romance Structure 💓
  • Forge Your Fantasy:
    A Deep Dive into Fantasy Structure 🐉

Ready to get to work on your story?

Start Free Trial

Meet some Fictionary Authors

Grace Granlund

The quality of my work improved by leaps and bounds when I started using Fictionary StoryTeller.

Grace Granlund, Fictionary Author

Beasts of Prey

Author Emma Baird

Wow—I wish I’d known about Fictionary sooner. I’ve always struggled with the story arc and Fictionary makes it simple to…

Emma Baird, Author

Beautiful Biters

I love being able to visualize the story arc and other elements of fiction in my novel.

Lisa Stringfellow, StoryTeller User

Daria White Fictiionary

I used StoryTeller to edit, and I saw a difference. My story was much stronger and compelling.

Daria White, Author

Christmas Therapy

Marie Anne Mancio Author

Thank you Fictionary! It takes time to analyse each chapter but it's worth it and has replaced my blackboard wall.

Marie Anne Mancio, Fictionary Author

Caravaggio's Sin

Perfect to catch flaws in your manuscript and elevate it to new heights of quality. I love Fictionary!

Catherine Girard-Veilleux, Ad Librum Aeternam


Kimberlee Esselstrom Author

Fictionary’s Advanced Mode is addictive! Finally, editing/rewriting/polishing is an adventure, not a chore.

Kimberlee Esselstrom, Author

Swimming with Strangers in Shanghai

Fictionary is a real find and their blog posts are equally propelling my work forward. Love the regular enhancements.

Casper Pieters, Author

The Ten Secrets of Cyberspace

Fictionary Author Success Stories

Fictionary Author Success Stories

  • Fictionary is a dynamic, innovative app that guides you through the revision process with ease. — Donna Galanti

    1-Donna Galanti

    "I don't know how to describe this book. It was horror, love, loneliness, connectivity; it will toy with your emotions. It kept me in its grip from beginning to end."— Amazon Review

  • Daria White

    I used StoryTeller to edit and saw a difference. My story was much stronger and more compelling. — Daria White

    1-Daria White

    "There were so many themes running through this book from forgiveness, trust, love and facing fears. I enjoyed this book and will definitely read more." — Amazon Review

  • I got good value for money... Improvements were mainly in character arc and missing ingredients in scene structure. — Iain Stewart

    1-Iain Stewart

    "Excellent start to this series. Not my usual read, as I tend to avoid WW1, but this was good on so many levels, from the characterisation, story lines and atmosphere." — Amazon Review

  • Fictionary's story arc function clarified how to pace my novels properly - it made all the difference for a cohesive story. — Nikki Davenport

    1-Nikki Davenport

    "This novel has thrills, danger, and a heat level between the couple that scorches the page. I highly recommend it." — Amazon Review

  • Oh my god, where has Fictionary been all my life? I love this software. — William Stacey

    1-William Stacey

    "A ingenious premise to put the world of military fiction and fantasy together. Done in a clever and entertaining way plenty of action and good characters."— Amazon Review

  • Fictionary was awesome for structuring this book and ensuring I had the important elements included in every scene! — Dionne Haynes

    1-Dionne Haynes

    A woman who must atone for her past. A village that needs her courage.

  • Let me just say that the automated Story Arc report alone makes this an outstanding tool.

    1-Allie Potts

    "I very much enjoyed reading this fast paced and well-plotted novel. The characters are carefully crafted and seem true to life. It is a page turner and I finished it in one sitting." — Amazon Review

  • Fictionary is what gave me the confidence to start self-publishing. I couldn't call myself an author without this amazing process. —Elaine Canyon

    1-Elaine Canyon

    "If you’re looking for a delightful, feel-good romantasy, this is the novella for you." — Amazon Review

  • Miriam’s debut NaNoWriMo novel was edited using Fictionary and hit #1 on Amazon for Steampunk Science Fiction.

    1-Miriam R. Dumitra
    Amazon Bestselling Author

    "Such a fantastic adventure story! Wow! I thoroughly enjoyed every minute of reading!" — Amazon Review