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How to Become a Structural Editor for Fiction

Fictionary Certified Story Editor

The Fictionary Certified StoryCoach Training teaches you how to become a structural editor for fiction. We call structural editing for fiction “Story Editing” because you’re editing a story to improve its structure based on character, plot, settings, the story arc, the word count per scene and much more.

Writers Deserve the Best

Hiring a story editor is expensive, and it can be difficult for a writer to know whom to hire. It’s a big decision, and finding the right editor can seem overwhelming. So how does a writer choose an editor who will deliver the edit  they need and deserve?

They hire a Fictionary Certified StoryCoach because those editors have been trained to edit in a comprehensive and objective way. They are simply the best structural editors for fiction.

StoryCoach helps you stay away from personal preferences and gives you perspective on the story as a whole. It gives you a way to read and edit based on high standards and objective critiques.

Being objective instead of subjective allows you to let your client’s voice shine, and this helps produce stories that give the world’s readers a diversity of choice. You must ensure you don’t overly influence your client to write the story you want to write.

A Fictionary Certified StoryCoach has a positive style of coaching. You give encouragement along with critiques. Part of being a Fictionary StoryCoach means you’re teaching the writer how to edit based on what you’re showing and explaining to them.

StoryCoach ensures you’re comprehensive by ensuring you cover all Fictionary Story Elements.

You’ll give your client specific advice that tells them what to do next. Vague advice is not helpful and can leave your client confused. When you give advice, your client  needs action they can take to make their story powerful.

You’ll focus on the big picture first and then on the details. The Fictionary Story Elements gives you a methodical process for both and ensures you don’t miss any key areas.

Powerful stories are created by combining creativity with intention. Your client will be amazed by the edit you deliver—you’ll be amazed how you helped your client shine.

Editors want to be the Best

Story editing can be done on an early stage manuscript or a well-crafted draft. You’ll use Fictionary StoryCoach software to perform the edit. When you’re finished, your client will use their own StoryCoach account to review and revise their story based on your edit.

By using StoryCoach and having your client go on to use their own account, you give your client an innovative process for reviewing and understanding your comments and suggestions. The client’s account will contain all the work you’ve done in track changes, comments, and notes.

StoryCoach gives you a method to share advice in a way that’s easy for your client to understand. The way your feedback is structured within StoryCoach gives the client various ways to “see” the information and apply it.

When your client receives your feedback, they should be excited. It should motivate them to work hard at improving their story. A story edit is very different from a copyedit or proofread where a client might be tempted to accept all changes and hit the publish button. A StoryCoach client will be reading and trying to understand every comment or note you’ve made.

Once your client has reviewed your edit in StoryCoach, they will be amazed at the depth of your edit.

So let’s look at what one editor thought of becoming a Fictionary Certified StoryCoach.

Certified Fictionary Story Coach: Allison Itterly

Allison Itterly Story Coach Testimonial

We asked Allison to tell us how the certification program helped her become an exceptional story editor. Here’s what she had to say…

Every Book is Unique

Every book is unique, but any book can benefit from an edit in StoryCoach.

Scene-by-Scene Editing

It’s incredible what this software can do! The program dissects a manuscript scene by scene and highlights the strengths, weaknesses, and repetitive patterns based on 38 story elements. The StoryCoach certification and training course is thorough and detailed with a ton of visuals and resources.

Teaching Writers by Editing Their Stories

StoryCoach makes it easy to convey to authors what they can do to improve their story and how to implement it. Not only am I giving the client a substantive in-depth edit with StoryCoach, but my editorial analysis paired with visuals and statistics takes my editing to the next level. StoryCoach is also effective for time management, whether it’s a first draft or a final revision. This is especially helpful when working on books that lack structure and direction.

Software Helping You Become the Best Structural Editor for Fiction

The software is smart, but it still requires an editor’s personal touch and knowledge, which is important for the editor-writer relationship. I can work within the framework of the program through an objective lens while still offering my editor’s voice. StoryCoach is an exceptional tool and perfect for editors who want to give their clients a comprehensive and streamlined edit!


Fictionary Certified StoryCoach Training

The Fictionary StoryCoach Certification training program  helps editors deliver a comprehensive and objective editorial package using StoryCoach software. This program is for anyone wanted to be the best structural editor for fiction.

We developed the training for two reasons.

  • The first is for fiction editors to have a place to learn how to perform a high-quality story edit, get certified, and then have a tool (StoryCoach) that helps them perform exceptional story edits.
  • The second is for writers to know they are dealing with a professional editor who understands story when they hire a Fictionary Certified StoryCoach.

For more on story coaching check out:  What is a Story Coach? and Introducing StoryCoach for Editors


Fictionary Logo

A Fictionary Certified Story Coach helps writers tell better stories and makes a writer’s voice shine! If you’re not ready to become a certified coach but need a tool to help you become an exceptional editor, try Fictionary StoryCoach for editors for free!

Try StoryCoach

Ready to become a Fictionary Certified StoryCoach? Check out Fictionary Certified StoryCoach Training and become a cutting-edge structural editor for fiction.

Special Discount

If you’d like to take the training, send me (Kristina) an email at [email protected] telling me why you’d like to become a Fictionary Certified StoryCoach, and I’ll give you a discount.


Free trial


Fictionary Certified StoryCoach

I thought I was a good editor, then I completed StoryCoach certification. I learned more than I ever dreamed possible.

Joanne Lane, Fictionary Certified Story Coach

Fictionary Certified StoryCoach

StoryCoach Certification Training supercharged my editing, helping me to focus attention on story specific elements. I highly recommend it.

Jefferson Gaskin, Fictionary Certified StoryCoach

Allison Itterly Fictionary Certified Story Coach

StoryCoach makes it easy to convey to authors what they can do to improve their story and implement changes.

Allison Itterly, Fictionary Certified Story Coach

Fictionary Certified StoryCoach

I was blown away by the StoryCoach program! Definitely get your certification and start using this amazing program!

Kristin McTiernan, Fictionary Certified StoryCoach

Fictionary Certified Story Coach

The StoryCoach platform allows a detailed breakdown of any story, enabling a detailed analysis of the plot, characters, and content.

Max Dade, Fictionary Certified Story Coach

Fictionary Certified StoryCoach

The theory underpinning the approach is comprehensive, convincing, and often inspired. I would recommend it to anyone who wants to…

Michael Springer, Fictionary Certified StoryCoach

Fictionary Certified StoryCoach

There’s quite simply no software like it. If you’re an editor, you don’t just want StoryCoach, you NEED it.

Sacha Black, Fictionary Certified StoryCoach