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Blogs / How to Use Fictionary / New Release by Fictionary Beta Tester Kelly Brakenhoff

New Release by Fictionary Beta Tester Kelly Brakenhoff

A new release is always exciting, especially when it’s written by someone fabulous. Sometimes people are generous of heart and Kelly Brakenhoff is one of those people. It was early days for Fictionary, we had a prototype ready, and we were looking for Beta testers.

Kelly volunteered and give us valuable feedback on how to turn Fictionary into a tool that could help many authors.

It’s time to congratulate Kelly. Her debut novel was released today!

DEATH by Dissertation

Ambitious Cassandra Sato traded her life in Hawai’i for a dream position as Student Affairs VP at Morton College in tiny Carson, Nebraska. She expected the Midwestern church casseroles, land-locked cornfields, and face-freezing winters would be her biggest challenges, but it’s her job that’s rapidly becoming a nightmare.

A deaf student is dead and the investigation reveals a complicated trail of connections between campus food service, a local farmer’s beef, and the science lab’s cancer research. Together with her few allies, Cassandra must protect the students caught up in the entanglement.

Dealing with homesickness, vandalism, and a stalker, Cassandra is trapped in a public relations disaster that could cost her job, or more. No one said college was easy.


Why not check out DEATH BY DISSERTAION and support a writer.


Kelly Brakenhoff is an American Sign Language Interpreter whose motivation for learning ASL began in high school when she wanted to converse with her deaf friends. Following the April, 2019 release of her debut mystery, Death by Dissertation, and the sequel, Dead Week later in 2019, her children’s picture book series featuring Duke the deaf dog is coming in the Fall of 2019, beginning with Never Mind. She serves on the Board of Editors for the Registry of Interpreters for the Deaf publication, VIEWs. The mother of four young adults, a cranky old dog, and a rambunctious puppy, Kelly and her husband call Nebraska home.

Here’s a quote from Kelly who was kind enough to share her excitement with me.

” I wanted to thank you again for your part in helping me get my plot together by using Fictionary and helping you beta test your system.”


StoryTeller is creative editing software for fiction writers. Transform your story, not just your words. Successful stories depend on your ability to edit, improve, and revise your work. Only when you master story editing, can you master storytelling.

Why not check out Fictionary’s StoryTeller free 14-day trial and tell powerful stories?