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Blogs / Fictionary Events / All of the FictionaryLive! Editing Courses Start Up Again Next Week

All of the FictionaryLive! Editing Courses Start Up Again Next Week

If you have a book that you are working on, FictionaryLive! Guided Editing Courses will help you navigate your writing and editing journey in just weeks.

In every course, StoryCoach Instructors will be live online teaching craft, assigning weekly editing tasks, answering questions, and helping you make your manuscript stronger with every session.

No pre-recorded videos here — we will be on zoom, helping you make your manuscript stronger with every session.

Fictionary Live! is part of your StoryTeller Premium subscription

StoryTeller Premium subscribers get the powerful combination of StoryTeller Premium software and personalized guidance from our Certified StoryCoach Instructors in the Fictionary Live! guided editing courses.

Take a free trial today and test out the first couple weeks of the courses — no strings attached. Similar courses cost over $499 from similar companies. With a StoryTeller Premium subscription, you’ll get everything, including the live support, for just $39/month.

Already a StoryTeller Premium subscriber? Head over to the community and RSVP for Week 1 of a course.

Want to know more about the courses?

As a StoryTeller Premium subscriber, you are welcome to take any or all of the courses. You are also welcome to repeat them–many of the writers in our community take them more than once to keep the techniques fresh as they are writing.

Below are the four core FictionaryLive! courses: