Fictionary gives you a plan

Discover a structured approach to outlining and editing that makes every scene count. Use the 38 Fictionary Story Elements to keep track of your characters, improve your plot, and create engaging settings.





Structure your story before you write

Genre-based outlining templates help you a solid story arc so you have a clear roadmap to keep you on track. Say goodbye to writers block.

Write with a roadmap to follow

Stay on track with an easy-to-navigate writing platform, integrated outline to follow, and handy writing resources right at your fingertips any time you get stuck.

Get immediate feedback on every scene

Use AI-powered technology to get feedback on every scene you write. Assess your scene goal, word count, tension, conflict and more.

Edit with a plan

The Story Editing Journey is a clear, step-by-step process to help you edit effectively and efficiently. Turn Fictionary’s insights into practical improvements in your story.

See your story in a new way

Fictionary's 15 visualizations give you the insights you need to find issues and improve your story structure. Discover the automated Story Arc, Story Goal Tracker, and more.

Ready to make your story truly unforgettable?

Start Free Trial

Discover issues by seeing the big picture

Fictionary's Story Map provides an overview of your whole story, so you can see common problem areas such as story flow, empty stages, POV goals, lack of tension and conflict or confusing timelines.

Easily track your progress

Say goodbye to those old sticky notes, index cards, or massive spreadsheets. Automatically keep track of every aspect of your edit. Work efficiently and know you haven't missed a thing.

  • Progress by Scene
  • Progress by Story Elements

Learn as you edit

Not sure what an entry hook is? Or an internal goal? With educational resources right at your fingertips as you edit, you'll have all the information you need.

Ready to make your story truly unforgettable?

Start Free Trial

StoryTeller Premium: Professional guidance and unlimited writing courses

In our Fictionary Live! courses, our friendly Certified StoryCoach Editors are live online teaching, assigning weekly editing tasks, answering questions, and helping you make your manuscript stronger with every session.

Our core six-week courses cycle every 2-3 months, so there is always a course for you, no matter where you are in your writing journey.

You get unlimited access to all courses with a StoryTeller Premium subscription.

  • 6 Weeks to Outline Your Novel
  • 6 Weeks to Structure Your Entire Series
  • How to Write Scenes Using Deep Structure
  • Novel Editing Part 1: Evaluate and Identify Issues
  • Novel Editing Part 2: Make Revisions and Finish Your Book
  • 6 Weeks to Structure Your Romance Novel
  • 6 Weeks to Structure Your Fantasy Novel
    (Coming this summer)
Start Premium Trial

Woman at computer working on her novel with Fictionary Live Instructor on the screen.

Are you ready to turn your novel into a bestseller? We'll help get you there.

Save over 25% with an Annual subscription.

Fictionary StoryTeller Software

$ 19 /month

Story Editing Software

Novel Outline Templates

Fifteen Story Insights

Step-By-Step Editing Journey

Edit 3 Manuscripts at a Time

Start 7-Day Free Trial

Fictionary StoryTeller Premium

$ 39 /month

Story Editing Software + Fictionary Live!

All StoryTeller Software Features

+ Unlimited Fictionary Live! Writing & Editing Courses

+ Track Changes & Comments

+ Edit 10 Manuscripts at a Time

Start 7-Day Free Trial

Fictionary StoryTeller

$ 14 /month

Save $60 with annual billing of $168.

Novel Outlining Templates

Fifteen Story Insights

Step-By-Step Editing Journey

Edit 3 Manuscripts at a Time

Start 7-Day Free Trial

Fictionary StoryTeller Premium

$ 29 /month

Save $120 with annual billing of $348

All StoryTeller Software Features

+ Unlimited Fictionary Live! Writing & Editing Courses

+ Track Changes and Comments

+ Edit 10 Manuscripts at a Time

Start 7-Day Free Trial
All plans in USD. No credit card required, cancel anytime.
And hey, you can always join the Fictionary Community for free to see what all the fuss is about 🙂

Recommended by these amazing authors:

Let me just say that the automated Story Arc report alone makes this an outstanding tool.

Allie Potts, Author

An Uncertain Faith

Perfect to catch flaws in your manuscript and elevate it to new heights of quality. I love Fictionary!

Catherine Girard-Veilleux, Ad Librum Aeternam


Daria White Fictiionary

I used StoryTeller to edit, and I saw a difference. My story was much stronger and compelling.

Daria White, Author

Christmas Therapy

Fictionary is a real find and their blog posts are equally propelling my work forward. Love the regular enhancements.

Casper Pieters, Author

The Ten Secrets of Cyberspace

Fictionary is truly a godsend and exactly what I’ve been looking for.

Regan Baudelaire, Author

Mermaid and Haunted House

This is better than anything I've dreamt of as a fiction writing buddy.

Diane Rhodes, Author

BA, Creative Writing

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Let's get to work on your novel now.

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