Story Arc Not Drawing

If you’re seeing the image on the right, instead of your story arc, there are two reasons this can happen.

1. If it never drew, there are not enough scenes or the word count it too low.

Fictionary requires a minimum word count and number of scenes. There must be at least 7 scenes. This means the inciting incident, plot point 1, midpoint, plot point 2, and climax must all exist plus a couple more. The minimum word count varies but should usually be more than 10,000 words.


2. If it did draw previously and stopped drawing, this means not all 5 key scenes are set on the evaluate page.

All of the key scenes for the arc must be set on the Evaluate page for the Story Arc to draw. The inciting  incident, plot point 1, middle, plot point 2, and climax must be set.

If the arc previously drew, then it means one of the above scenes got reset and is missing.

To find out which one is missing, go the Visualize page, choose the plot insights and select the Purpose of Scenes insight.

Scroll down and find each of the key scenes.

Note which one is missing.

Then do the following:

      1. Return to the Evaluate page
      2. Click the Plot tab
      3. Select the scene you want  and set the Story Arc to Yes
      4. Click on the drop-down menu beside Purpose
      5. Select the key scene type
      6. Click Save
      7. Return to the Visualize page and see your updated story arc.