Watch: From first draft to finished novel.

Overwhelmed by editing? Fictionary is here to help!

At the end of their first draft, many writers have more questions than answers:

  • Is my story any good?
  • Does my plot make sense?
  • Where do I start?
  • How do I know I'm finished editing?

Hi, I'm Kristina. Founder of Fictionary.

I'm a writer just like you. I created Fictionary to solve my biggest writing challenge: how to edit my first draft and make sure I had a story readers would love.

Using my computer mathematics degree along with my experience as a bestselling author and years working as a professional editor, I developed the story editing software I wish I'd had.

Fictionary helps you write a great story, finish your novel, and get it into the hands of readers. I'll be with you all the way.

How does it work?

Easily upload your manuscript and let Fictionary go to work analyzing your story. A variety of visualizations will help you understand what's working and what needs more attention.

Then it's up to you. Get to work improving every scene using the 38 Fictionary Story Elements as your guide.

When your edit is complete, you'll have a powerful story ready to export and share with the world.

Fictionary automatically identifies your character names, links characters to scenes, and shows you where and when each character appears in your story. You’ll know immediately if your protagonist is getting enough page time.

Fictionary automatically creates your story arc by analyzing yout text for key plot points. This allows you to compare your structure and pacing to that of successful commercial fiction.

The story arc has been around for over 2,000 years. It’s a proven form that keeps readers engaged, but it’s not about being formulaic: the story and the imagination behind it are unique to you. A powerful story contains key plot events. To create a story readers love, these events must happen at the right time.

Quickly visualize the pacing of your story based on scene length. Instead of going through the tedious exercise of listing your word count per scene in a spreadsheet, you can see the information within seconds.

Let Fictionary help you nail your Blurb and Synopsis in a few easy and intuitive steps.

Your Story Map captures every Story Element in one place. Use it to see common problem areas such as story flow, empty stages, POV goals, lack of tension and conflict, or confusing timelines.

Ready to try writer's software that will make your story truly unforgettable? Let's get started!

Start Free Trial

Writers and Editors Love Fictionary

Let me just say that the automated Story Arc report alone makes this an outstanding tool.

Allie Potts, Author

An Uncertain Faith

Alva Eriksson

Fictionary has been amazing in helping me edit the my latest work in progress! The streamlining has cut my editing…

Alva Eriksson, Author


Fictionary is a real find and their blog posts are equally propelling my work forward. Love the regular enhancements.

Casper Pieters, Author

The Ten Secrets of Cyberspace

Perfect to catch flaws in your manuscript and elevate it to new heights of quality. I love Fictionary!

Catherine Girard-Veilleux, Ad Librum Aeternam


Daria White Fictiionary

I used StoryTeller to edit, and I saw a difference. My story was much stronger and compelling.

Daria White, Author

Christmas Therapy

Fictionary is truly a godsend and exactly what I’ve been looking for.

Regan Baudelaire, Author

Mermaid and Haunted House

Ellen Kirkpatrick

Fictionary has helped me turn my first draft into a polished piece.

Elle Kirkpatrick, Wattpad Author

Brew Books

This is better than anything I've dreamt of as a fiction writing buddy.

Diane Rhodes, Author

BA, Creative Writing

Fictionary Certified StoryCoach

StoryCoach Certification Training supercharged my editing, helping me to focus attention on story specific elements. I highly recommend it.

Jefferson Gaskin, Fictionary Certified StoryCoach

Fictionary Author Success Stories

  • A Comb of Wishes is a beguiling fantasy novel that will engage, inspire and challenge its readers. - BookPage Starred Review

    – BookPage

    Lisa Stringfellow
    Published by HarperCollins

    Winner of the Kweli’s inaugural Color of Children’s Literature Manuscript Award

  • Ryder Stephens takes readers on an emotional arc of a young girl dealing with loss and grief. A page turner!

    – Amazon Reviewer

    Veronica Ventura

    Veronica Ventura
    Published Author

    As an author, Veronica attributes her success in character development to the diverse experiences in her medical career.

    Veronica Ventura

Are you a professional editor? Our StoryCoach software for editors can help you too.

Learn more about StoryCoach