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Black Friday 2020 Deals for Fiction Writers

Once Upon A Time…

How wonderful are those words? They create expectation, making the reader want to dive into your world and experience your story.

With that in mind, we’ve put together our favorite tools and services to help you tell a powerful story.

First you need to write your story. That’s where One Stop For Writers comes in.

Then you need to edit your story. Let Fictionary StoryTeller take the drudgery out of editing so you can focus on the fun and creative part. StoryTeller teaches you how to edit while you revise your story.

When your story is as powerful as you can make it, move on to copyediting with ProWritingAid.

Now that your story is powerful AND polished, it’s time for a professional editor. First Editing is the first Fictionary Certified StoryCoach company. All of their editors are trained by me to perform a comprehensive and objective story edit using StoryCoach software.

And finally, check out BookBaby and get your story published.

Before or after publication, writing involves a lifetime of learning.

As the Story Editing Advisor to the Alliance of Independent Authors, I have presented at their conferences. If you missed them, you get full access.

Then on into 2021 and more learning. The Women in Publishing Summit, where I’ll be presenting.

Each of these companies have great Black Friday 2020 deals for you. See below for details.


50% Off One Stop for Writers

Monday Nov 23rd – Monday November 30

One Stop for Writers is a portal to creative tools that will help you master character-building and character arc, plot and structure, worldbuilding & more. Powered by the largest description database available anywhere, One Stop puts non-stop ideas at your keyboard, enabling you to write stronger fiction, faster.

Give the Free Trial a spin or use the one-time code BLACKFRIDAY2020 and get 50% off a 6-month subscription. Writing can be so much easier!


50% Off Fictionary StoryTeller

Monday Nov 23rd – Monday November 30
Fictionary StoryTellerCreative editing software for fiction writers and editors.

Fictionary StoryTeller software makes editing easier by applying universal storytelling structures to each and every scene. Evaluate and revise your manuscript against 38 Fictionary Story Elements to tell a powerful story readers will naturally connect with.

StoryTeller automatically creates powerful visuals by analyzing your manuscript from start to finish. Insights such as the Story Arc provide a 30,000-foot view of your manuscript and quickly highlight structural areas that need improvement.
Use coupon code BLACKFRIDAY2020 and get 50% off an annual subscription.


50% Off ProWritingAid LifeTime License or 25% Off a 1-Year License

Monday Nov 23rd – Monday November 30
PWAProWritingAid is a grammar guru, style editor and writing mentor in one package. It’s the only platform that offers world-class grammar and style checking combined with more in-depth reports to help you strengthen your writing. Their unique combination of suggestions, articles, videos, and quizzes makes writing fun and interactive. ProWritingAid works right within Fictionary StoryTeller.


20% Off First Editing Professional Editing Services

Monday Nov 23rd – Monday November 30

First Editing LogoFirst Editing is the world’s first Fictionary Certified StoryCoach company.
All story editors at First Editing have been trained by Fictionary and are Fictionary Certified Story Coaches.
They use Fictionary StoryCoach (creative editing software for professional editors) to deliver an objective, comprehensive story edit that also teaches you how to become a better writer.
First Editing would love to help you tell a better story, so if you’re in need of a professional edit, contact First Editing and use coupon code SCBF20 for 20% off of a StoryCoach story edit.


$100 Off BookBaby  for 100+ Printed Books

Now – Thursday, December 31


BookBaby LogoUse code 100OFFBOOK at checkout when you order over 100 books.
Why print your book with BookBaby? Our formula for great custom book printing is very simple: BookBaby is a book printing company staffed by professionals utilizing the world’s best book printing and binding equipment.


Alli SelfPubConSelfPubCon, the Self-Publishing Advice Conference, is run in association with the Alliance of Independent Authors (ALLi) and runs twice a year in March and October, featuring the cream of self-publishing authors and advisors. The access passes give six-month or lifetime access to an extensive conference archive featuring self-publishing advisors like Kristina Stanley, Michael Anderlé, Mark Dawson, Ricardo Fayet, Joanna Penn, Orna Ross and 100+ more.
Half-price access with code INDIE50

50% Off Write|Publish|Sell

Monday Nov 23rd – November 30th

Write Publish SellInstagram for Authors is a power packed course providing authors with all the tools they need to successfully use Instagram to Market and sell their books. Save 50% with code WPSFRIDAY20


66% Off Women in Publishing Summit

Now – Thursday, December 31

women in publishing summittThe Women in Publishing Summit is a week-long conference that provides resources and training to authors across all facets of writing, publishing, marketing, and author development. Made by women, for women, the conference not only delivers incredible content, we celebrate the achievements of women in the industry. Our sponsors provide incredible discounts and opportunities as well to our participants, to help them in the process. 

PS. I am presenting along with Lisa from ProWritingAid and JoEllen from First Editing.


50% Off The Novel Factory

Monday Nov 23rd – Monday, November 30th

Novel Factory Black Friday

Use coupon code BLACKFRIDAY2020 to get 50% off. The Novel Factory helps writers become more productive and achieve their writing goals

The Novel Factory Online is the ultimate online novel writing software for writers.



25% Off Outlining Your Novel Workbook

Friday, Nov 27 – Monday, Nov 30th

Use coupon code OUTLINE to get 20% this brainstorming tool for writers. It is designed to guide you in discovering the brilliant possibilities in your ideas, so you can identify those best suited to creating a solid story that will entertain and move your readers.




50% Off the Well-Storied Writing Workbooks

Friday, Nov 27 – Monday, Nov 30th

Use discount code BLACKFRIDAY50 to get 50% off The Pre-Write Project, Crafting Incredible Characters, World-Building Warrior, and The Novel Planner.

Stop settling for so-so stories. Get the step-by-step guidance you need to craft truly spectacular novels with Well-Storied’s writing workbooks. All Well-Storied workbooks come in PDF format and can be printed or filled digitally (with the exception of The Novel Planner, which is specifically designed for print).