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Character Template for Fiction Writing

character template

Ever felt like your characters are about as flat as a soda left out overnight? Yeah, me too. But fear not, fellow word-wranglers! I’ve got a secret weapon that’ll save your literary bacon: character templates. 

For this task, you must become a literary Sherlock Holmes (deerstalker cap optional, but highly recommended). Your mission? To crack the case of what makes them tick, uncover the skeletons rattling in their closet (figurative or literal—we don’t judge), and piece together the puzzle of their personality.

By the time we’re done, you’ll be crafting characters so vivid, you might just find yourself setting an extra place at your dinner table—just in case they decide to pop in for a chat.

What Is a Character Profile Template?

Character profile templates are structured frameworks that help you organize and develop every juicy detail of your fictional personas’ lives. It’s the ultimate cheat sheet, ensuring you’ve got the inside scoop on your character from their deepest, darkest fears to their most adorable quirks.

But wait, there’s more! (Cue infomercial voice.) This isn’t just about filling in blanks on a form. Oh no, dear writer. It’s about crafting living, breathing characters that leap off the page and possibly karate-chop their way into your readers’ hearts. 

what is a character profile template

Character Bio Template

This nifty tool is essentially a detailed questionnaire that helps you flesh out your characters. It’s the literary equivalent of speed dating your own creations, asking all the burning questions that make a character tick. 

From basic stats to deep, dark secrets, a good character bio template covers all the bases. It’s not just about filling in blanks; it’s about crafting a living, breathing persona that’ll leap off the page and possibly raid your fridge at 2 AM.

  1. Name and Nicknames: What’s in a name? Everything, darling! From the sophisticated Penelope Poshington III to good ol’ Bubba. A name sets the stage. And those nicknames? They’re the secret sauce of relationships. Is your character a “Shorty,” “Boss,” or “Stinky”? Each one tells a tale.
  2. Date of Birth and Place: Not just for astrology buffs! This nugget of info plants your character firmly in time and space. Was little Timmy born during the Summer of Love or in the middle of the Great Depression? In New York or Timbuktu? These details shape worldviews, folks.
  3. Occupation and Education: From high school dropouts to PhD holders, burger flippers to brain surgeons—a character’s CV speaks volumes. It’s not just about fancy titles; it’s about life experiences that mold their perspective.
  4. Personality Traits: Is your character the life of the party or more likely to be found in a quiet corner with a book? A glass-half-full optimist or a “we’re all doomed” pessimist? Mix and match for maximum intrigue!
  5. Habits/Mannerisms: Here’s where the fun really begins. Does your hero have a nervous tick? A catchphrase? Maybe they can’t start the day without singing in the shower or insist on alphabetizing their spice rack. These quirks are the sprinkles on your character sundae—utterly delicious and oh-so-memorable.
  6. Relationships: No character is an island (unless you’re writing a very niche Robinson Crusoe fanfiction). Family, friends, enemies, lovers—this web of connections defines how your character moves through the world. Are they a social butterfly or a lone wolf? The life of the party or the wallflower?

character bio template

Character Description Template

A character description template can turn that vague blob in your mind into a vivid, jaw-dropping character that your readers can practically high-five.

The key is balance. You don’t need to describe every eyelash—unless those eyelashes are crucial to the plot. (Eyelash assassin, anyone?) Give your readers enough to spark their imagination, but leave room for them to fill in some blanks.

  1. Height and Weight: Is your character a towering giant or more vertically challenged? Built like a linebacker or a stringbean? Remember, in the land of fiction, there’s no BMI shaming—just glorious variety!
  2. Hair Color and Style: From fiery red manes to distinguished silver foxes, hair can speak volumes. Is it a carefully coiffed masterpiece or a bird’s nest that’s seen better days? And don’t forget those eyebrows—the oft-forgotten punctuation of the face!
  3. Eye Color: Windows to the soul, portals of emotion, or just really cool orbs in their face? Whether they’re piercing blue, warm brown, or an otherworldly purple (hello, fantasy writers!), eyes can captivate readers.
  4. Facial Features: Chiseled jawlines, button noses, scars with mysterious origins—it’s all fair game. Want a character with a crooked smile that makes hearts melt? Or perhaps a perpetual scowl that could curdle milk? The face is your playground!
  5. Build: Ah, the body. Athletic and toned? Soft and cuddly? Or perhaps they have the muscular build of someone who frequently wrestles alligators (hey, it could happen). 
  6. Clothing Style: Fashionista or fashion disaster? Does your character rock designer labels or live in the same ratty t-shirt? Remember, clothes don’t just make the man (or woman, or non-binary individual)—they tell a story.
  7. Posture and Movement: Is your character a graceful gazelle or more of a lumbering bear? Do they sashay, saunter, or stumble? The way a character moves can be as telling as a monologue.

Character Introduction Template

The character introduction template, or as I like to call it, “How to make your character’s grand entrance so epic, readers will need sunglasses,” is where you set the stage, drop the mic, and make your character strut their stuff like they own the joint.

The goal is to make your character’s introduction so compelling that readers will be yelling “Encore!” and flipping pages faster than a caffeinated squirrel. Whether your character saunters in with a wink and a grin or crash-lands in the middle of chaos, make it count! Your character is stepping into the spotlight, and you want your readers leaning forward in their seats, popcorn forgotten, completely entranced.

  1. Introduction Scene: This is your character’s catwalk moment. Are they bursting through doors guns blazing or quietly sipping tea in the corner? Maybe they’re hanging upside down from a chandelier (hey, you do you). The key is to make an impression that sticks.
  2. Initial Impressions: First impressions are like literary speed dating. What will other characters (and readers) notice first? A dazzling smile? A menacing scowl? The fact that they’re covered in glitter and feathers? (Again, no judgment here.) Give us something to ooh and aah over.
  3. Role in the Story: Is your character the hero who’ll save the day, the sidekick with snappy one-liners, or the villain twirling their mustache? Maybe they’re the mysterious stranger or the comic relief. Whatever their role, hint at it early to whet your readers’ appetites.
  4. Immediate Goals: What does your character want right off the bat? A sandwich? World domination? To find the bathroom? Their initial objectives can speak volumes about who they are and what drives them.
  5. Reaction of Others: How do other characters respond to this new arrival? Are they swooning, cowering, or rolling their eyes? The way others react can tell us a lot about your character’s reputation and presence.
  6. Foreshadowing: Sprinkle in some hints about future events or character development. Maybe there’s a flicker of vulnerability in the tough guy’s eyes, or a shadow of doubt crosses the face of the seemingly confident hero.

character intro template

Character Backstory Template

This is where we unearth all the delicious, sometimes dirty, always fascinating details that made your character who they are today. It’s like a time machine, but with fewer paradoxes and more childhood traumas!

Crafting a backstory is like making a fine soup—you don’t need to serve every ingredient to the reader, but they should be able to taste the richness. 

  1. Early Life: Ah, the wonder years! Was your character a precocious prodigy or more of a “set the kitchen on fire trying to make toast” kind of kid? Maybe they were raised by wolves (literally or figuratively). These formative years are the bedrock of personality, so make ’em count!
  2. Family Background: Time for some family tree shaking! Are we talking picture-perfect Cleavers or more Addams Family vibes? Perhaps a dash of royal lineage or a pinch of circus performers? Family dynamics can explain a lot about why your character flinches at the sound of kazoos or has an irrational fear of picket fences.
  3. Major Life Events: This is where you play life event bingo. First kiss? Check. Embarrassing school talent show incident? Check. Accidentally started a small revolution? Double check! These pivotal moments are the plot twists in your character’s personal novella.
  4. Traumas and Joys: Ah, the emotional rollercoaster! What made your character ugly cry into a pint of ice cream? What had them grinning like they just won the lottery? These peaks and valleys sculpt the emotional landscape of your character.
  5. Turning Points: Every life has its plot twists. What made your character pull a 180? Was it a near-death experience, a particularly moving fortune cookie, or realizing they look terrible in horizontally striped shirts? These are the moments that divide life into “before” and “after.”
  6. Secrets and Regrets: Ooh, now we’re getting to the good stuff! What skeletons are rattling around in your character’s closet? What’s that one thing they’d rather take to the grave? Secrets add depth, and regrets humanize—use them liberally!

character backstory template

How to Use Character Templates

Alright, literary maestros, you’ve got your shiny new character templates in hand. Now what? Fear not! I’m about to guide you through the treacherous jungles of character creation with the finesse of a caffeinated jungle guide. Here are some tips on using character templates.

Use Them for All Characters

Yes, all of them. Even that guy who appears for two sentences to deliver a pizza. Okay, maybe not him, but definitely any character who hangs around for more than a page. You never know when that seemingly minor character might demand their own spinoff series!

Reference Often

Keep your templates close and your characters closer. Pin them to your wall, set them as your phone background, tattoo them on your— okay, maybe not that last one. Refer to them regularly to keep your characters consistent. Nothing ruins a story faster than your blue-eyed hero suddenly sporting brown eyes in chapter 12.

Update as Needed

Characters grow—sometimes in ways we don’t expect. Did your timid wallflower suddenly find their voice and tell off the school bully? Update that template! Think of it as your character’s personal Wikipedia page—always evolving, occasionally vandalized by mischievous plot twists.

Mix and Match

Feel free to Frankenstein your templates. Maybe you love the backstory section from one template but prefer the personality breakdown from another. 

Use Them as Brainstorming Tools

Stuck on a plot point? Consult your character templates! Sometimes the solution is hiding in your hero’s childhood fear of clowns or your villain’s secret passion for knitting.

Stay Flexible

Remember, your character template isn’t the Ten Commandments—it’s more like a treasure map with some smudged sections. As you write, your characters might surprise you. Maybe your stern librarian suddenly reveals a passion for underground rap battles. Roll with it! Let your characters evolve organically, even if it means scribbling all over your pristine template.

Share with Your Writing Buddies

Turn template-filling into a party game! Swap partially completed templates with writing friends and see what wild directions they take your characters. Who knows? You might discover your gruff detective has a hidden talent for balloon animals.

The Power of Character Templates

Using character templates can transform your writing process, making your characters more vivid and your storytelling more cohesive. Think of them as your secret weapon in crafting unforgettable stories.

Remember, at the end of the day, these templates are here to serve you, not the other way around. Use them as a springboard for your imagination, a safety net for consistency, and occasionally as a coaster for your third cup of writing fuel (aka coffee).

So go forth, you brilliant character wranglers! May your templates be ever flexible, your characters ever surprising, and your writing sessions ever productive. And if all else fails, just ask yourself: What would my character do? (Just maybe don’t ask that when deciding whether to have that fourth slice of pizza.)

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