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How Much Do Authors Make Per Book?

how much do authors make



A topic that strikes fear into the hearts of most authors who want to make a living from their writing, and immediately ask, “Can I really make enough money to do this full time?” And, when it comes to writing and publishing a book, the second biggest question aspiring authors have is, “How much will I actually make per book?”

The truth is, earnings vary widely depending on several factors, such as the publishing route (traditional or self-publishing), genre, and even the author’s level of fame. Whether you’re a first-time author or an established bestseller, understanding how royalties and advances work can give you a realistic picture of potential earnings.

In this article, I’ll break down how much authors make per book, what first-time and bestselling authors can expect, and provide some tips on how to boost your book sales.

Let’s get into it.

How Much Does a First-Time Author Make?

For first-time authors, the journey toward earning money from book sales can be both exciting and daunting.

Many new writers enter the industry unsure of what earnings to expect, particularly in their debut year.

So, how much does a first-time author actually make?

If you’re traditionally published, first-time authors typically receive an advance against royalties. The publisher pays the advance upfront, before the book even hits the shelves, and it’s based on what the publisher estimates the book will earn.

Advances for first-time authors can vary significantly, ranging anywhere from $1,000 to $10,000, though some might receive more or less depending on factors like the genre, marketability, and publisher. Authors must “earn out” their advance through book sales before they receive royalties, which are typically 10-15% of the book’s retail price.

Self-published authors don’t receive advances, but they get to keep a larger portion of the sales.

Platforms like Amazon Kindle Direct Publishing (KDP) offer royalties ranging from 35% to 70% depending on the book’s price. While the upfront earnings might be lower for self-publishing authors, the potential to earn more over time increases as they have greater control over their pricing and marketing efforts.

how much do first time authors make

How Much Does an Author Make Per Book?

Whether you’re self-publishing or traditionally publishing, understanding how much you make per book sold is key. The exact amount depends on several factors, including royalties, distribution channels, and book pricing.

How Much Do Authors Make Per Book Sold?

For traditionally published authors, royalties range between 10% and 15% of the retail price of the book. If a book sells for $20 and the royalty rate is 10%, the author would make $2 per book sold. But remember, publishers don’t pay royalties out until the author has earned back their advance.

If you received a $5,000 advance, you’ll need to sell enough books to cover that advance before you receive royalties beyond the initial payment.

For self-published authors, royalties are often higher.

Depending on the platform, self-published authors can earn between 35% and 70% of each sale.

For example, if you sell a book for $10 on Amazon KDP with a 70% royalty rate, you would earn $7 per sale (after Amazon takes its cut). The key here is pricing—self-published authors who price their books lower (e.g., $2.99 to $9.99) can earn a higher royalty percentage.

It’s also important to consider distribution costs.

If you’re selling paperback copies through a print-on-demand service, your earnings will be lower because of the production costs, but for eBooks, the royalties are higher since there are no printing expenses.

how much do authors make per book

How Much Do Bestselling Authors Make Per Book?

Once an author reaches bestseller status, their earnings can skyrocket. But how much do bestselling authors really make per book?

Bestselling authors often negotiate higher royalty rates, advances, and even earn through foreign sales, film adaptations, and speaking engagements. Let’s explore the numbers for a bestselling author.

How Much Does Colleen Hoover Make Per Book?

Colleen Hoover, an author who has taken both the traditional and self-publishing worlds by storm, has an estimated net worth of around $7 million to $10 million as of 2024.

Her impressive earnings come from a mix of traditional publishing deals, self-publishing successes, merchandising, and other ventures such as film and television adaptations of her books.

For her traditionally published works, Hoover likely earns royalties between 8% and 15% of the book’s retail price.

For example, if the publisher prices one of her books at $20, Hoover would earn approximately $1.60 to $3.00 per copy. Given the high volume of sales her books consistently generate, even these seemingly modest royalties can add up quickly. Some of her novels have sold millions of copies, contributing significantly to her overall earnings.

With self-publishing, Hoover stands to make even more per book sold. On platforms like Amazon Kindle Direct Publishing, self-published authors can earn up to 70% in royalties for eBooks priced between $2.99 and $9.99.

For instance, if Hoover sells an eBook for $9.99, she could earn approximately $7 per sale, a much higher rate than traditional publishing offers. This, combined with her popularity, enables her to generate a substantial income from both formats.

Merchandise sales supplement Hoover’s income, including things like book-related products and licensing deals for film and television adaptations of her books.

Many of her works, including It Ends With Us, have been optioned for screen adaptations, bringing in even more revenue. She also takes part in high-paying speaking engagements and book signings, which provide another stream of income.

Altogether, Colleen Hoover earns an estimated $17,000 per month from her books and related activities, and her total annual earnings fluctuate depending on new releases and promotions.

With her combination of strong sales, multiple income streams, and a loyal fan base, Hoover remains one of the most financially successful authors in contemporary fiction.

How to Predict Your Earnings as an Author

If you’re wondering how to predict your earnings as an author, it’s important to consider various factors, including your publishing route, book price, royalty rate, and expected sales volume.

Let’s break it down step by step:

Determine Your Royalty Rate

For traditionally published authors, royalty rates are typically between 10% and 15% of the retail price. Self-published authors can expect royalty rates between 35% and 70% depending on the platform and price point.

Set Your Price

Book pricing plays a huge role in your earnings. For traditionally published authors, the publisher sets the retail price, but self-published authors have more flexibility in this area. Keep in mind that pricing your book too high might limit sales, while pricing it too low may cut into your profit margin.

Estimate Sales Volume

This is often the most challenging factor to predict, as sales depend on many elements, like your marketing efforts, the book’s genre, the current market, and your platform. That said, it’s helpful to have an estimate in mind. For example, first-time self-published authors might sell a few hundred books in the first year, while a seasoned author could sell thousands or more.

Factor in Other Revenue Streams

Don’t forget to consider additional revenue sources like audiobooks, foreign rights sales, or even merchandise if your book gains a significant following. Many successful authors diversify their income by branching out into these areas, which can dramatically boost overall earnings.

By carefully managing your pricing, marketing, and publishing decisions, you can build a clearer picture of what your potential earnings might look like.

how to predict your earnings

Tips for Selling More Books

Selling books isn’t just about writing a great story. It’s about reaching your audience and getting them excited about your work. Here are some tips to help you sell more books and increase your author earnings:

Focus on Building an Author Platform

An author platform is key to marketing and selling your books. Whether you’re traditionally published or self-published, having a strong online presence can significantly boost sales. Engage with readers on social media, maintain an author website, and consider building an email list to keep fans updated on your new releases.

Invest in Professional Cover Design

Never underestimate the power of a great book cover. Whether you’re self-publishing or working with a publisher, your cover is the first thing potential readers see. A professional, eye-catching design can make your book stand out in a crowded market and increase the likelihood that readers will click “buy.”

Leverage Book Reviews

Positive reviews play a crucial role in convincing potential readers to buy your book. Encourage readers to leave reviews on platforms like Amazon and Goodreads. You can even offer advance copies to bloggers or reviewers in exchange for honest feedback.

Optimize Your Book’s Metadata

For self-published authors, optimizing your book’s metadata—such as keywords and categories—is essential for increasing discoverability on platforms like Amazon. Do research on which keywords are trending in your genre and use them strategically to help readers find your book.

Run Promotions and Discounts

Running limited-time promotions or offering discounts can generate buzz around your book and attract new readers. Platforms like BookBub offer services that allow authors to promote discounted books to a large audience. A well-timed promotion can lead to a significant boost in sales and rankings.

Build a Backlist

The more books you have available, the easier it is to sell additional titles. Readers who enjoy one of your books are more likely to purchase others from your backlist. Building a collection of works not only increases your credibility as an author, but also provides more opportunities for ongoing sales.

tips for selling more books

Engage with Your Audience

Interacting with your readers is a great way to build loyalty and encourage repeat purchases. Respond to comments on social media, participate in book clubs, or host Q&A sessions with your readers. The more engaged your audience feels, the more likely they are to support your future releases.

Understanding how much authors make per book is crucial for setting realistic expectations and planning your career.

Whether you’re a first-time author or aspiring to bestseller status, knowing your royalty rates, sales volume, and pricing strategy can help you maximize your earnings. And with the right marketing efforts, you can grow your audience and boost your book sales.

And finally, always remember that the story comes first. Focus on:

  • Creating engaging characters
  • Penning interesting plots
  • Structuring solid settings

A tool like Fictionary helps you turn your draft into an interesting story readers love. So, with a strong narrative foundation, your writing can truly shine.

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