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NAIWE: An Introduction from Fictionary

NAIWE Webinar

Have you ever wished someone understood your sense of humor and quirky puns? A person who you could bounce business ideas off of?

Looked for help regarding starting a publishing-related business and to no avail you were unable to find good, solid advice?

Knew you were missing something but not sure what it was or where to find it?

Yearned to know how you could make writing or editing be your main source of income?

Hoped for an organization that was interested in helping your succeed?

Introducing NAIWE

NAIWE LOGO For Fictionary

The National Association of Independent Writers and Editors (NAIWE) welcomes freelance publishing professionals. Members include novelists, copywriters, copyeditors, writing coaches, proofreaders, magazine writers, writing teachers, business writers and editors, academic writing evaluators, writers of literature for children, fiction editors, and other specialists. NAIWE provides you with a respected and well-known online presence in the publishing industry that allows readers, editors, publishers, and potential clients to find you. Our goal is to help freelancers earn a living with words.

NAIWE is a professional association for all publishing professionals! We exist to help members succeed with our unique focus on creating multiple streams of income.

Global Reach for Writers and Editors

NAIWE was founded in 2007 as the National Association of Independent Writing Evaluators. As the association grew, we discovered that the original name simply wasn’t big enough for our members or our mission, so the name was changed with the dawn of 2009. Although our name contains the word “National,” we are international in scope and reach. Our membership is not restricted by geographic borders. In fact, NAIWE is known internationally, and we welcome new members of all locations.

We’ll cheer you on when your first novel hits the shelves or the first printing of your business book sells out. We’ll support you as you add new skills to your repertoire and learn to make a great living doing what you do best.

We believe in professional freelancers and in-house publishing professionals who love the rhythm and cadence of the language and are committed to polishing even the humblest prose to its highest luster.

At NAIWE, we know that a career in the publishing industry isn’t all about the art. It’s not all about the money either. Your work is about the joy of creativity, the freedom of working independently, and the fulfillment that comes from creating an authentic, abundant life, earning a living doing what you love to do. We believe that taking the road less traveled is often the best way to go.

Membership Benefits

NAIWE members receive

  • a free website professionally designed with you in mind
  • a blog (and when the member posts to it, NAIWE reposts on social media, giving the member a larger viewing audience)
  • on-demand training administered by fellow editors, writers, and publishing professionals who have experience in your field
  • discounts on services you use: courses, software, and more
  • marketing opportunities within the publishing arena such as being featured on the NAIWE blog, in our member and non-member newsletters, on The Freelance Life podcast, and on our social media pages
  • experts who are truly interested in your success, and at your fingertips to learn from, ask questions of, and bounce off needs
  • access to attorneys for basic legal advice and to accountants to answer your tax questions from a freelancer’s point of view
  • a member database were prospects visiting the NAIWE website can locate you and visit your NAIWE website
  • a job board where prospects can post jobs and you can receive the posting in your email

Each month, NAIWE publishes three newsletters: one that reaches over 6,000 people in the publishing industry, one that goes out solely to NAIWE members, and another that is written by one of NAIWE’s Board of Experts members and goes out solely to NAIWE members. We host a monthly webinar led by one of our experts. We also offer Book Chats about recently published member books, Book Promotions to get the word out about member books, and Member of the Month talks on our podcast—all ways to help our members grow their streams of income.

Conference for Freelancers

NAIWE co-hosts the annual Be a Better Freelancer conference, which provides training and insights for publishing professionals. Sessions have covered business management, software programs, website development and management, marketing, and more.

NAIWE takes you and your career seriously so serious as to help you create multiple streams of income so you can focus on what you love.

More NAIWE information

Sign up for our free monthly newsletter: The Edge: Success Strategies for People Who Work With Words at to receive the information that over 6,000 publishing professional are receiving.

Discount to Join NAIWE

Sign up for NAIWE membership as a new member with automatic renewal using the code “FRIENDS” to receive 10% off your first year’s membership!

Article written by:

April Michelle Davis has been the executive director of NAIWE since 2018. Prior to that, she was NAIWE’s Social Media Marketing Expert. April Michelle has taught courses through her own company, Editorial Inspirations, as well as for associations NAIWEand colleges on topics such as editing, indexing, grammar, writing, and creating macros.

Her credentials include a master’s degree in publishing from George Washington University and a bachelor’s degree in English from Messiah College, as well as certificates in editing, book publishing, and professional editing.

In addition, April Michelle has published three books.

A Princess in Disguise

A Guide for the Freelance Indexer

Choosing an Editor

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What Every Fiction Writer and Editor Should Know About Story Editing

Are you a writer? We all get excited when we type “The End” on our first draft. Before you share your story with others, you owe it to yourself to tell the best possible story. Learn how to story edit, and you’ll create a story readers love.

Perhaps you’re a structural editor for fiction and are worried that you’re overly influencing a client’s manuscript or that you’re not comprehensive. We’ll have you elevate your editing.

In this session, Kristina Stanley, founder of Fictionary and bestselling author, will teach you where to begin a Story Edit. If your dream is to craft a powerful story, she’ll show you how to “see” your first draft in a new way.

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